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Cycle one (Foundation)

Jan Jun Dec


This unit introduces students to exploring how data – such as a picture, object or symbol – can be used to communicate an idea or observation. They represent data with familiar objects, and identify the features that can help us differentiate one object from the other.

By the end of Foundation students show familiarity with digital systems and use them for a purpose. They represent data using objects, pictures and symbols and identify examples of data that is owned by them.

  • explain how an object, picture or symbol stands for an idea or observation
  • draw and display pictures to represent our daily activities
  • compare representations and identify the commonly used features that make them easy to recognise.


Watch this video for a quick overview of the unit and how to use its resources with your students.

Use the work sample Data is all around us and associated task to assess your students’ understanding and knowledge related to representing data using digital systems.


Rubric: Data representation

1 (limited) 2 (basic) 3 (proficient) 4 (advanced)
Knowledge of data representation with guidance, can identify types of data can identify types of data and name them, such as picture, symbol or object can identify types of data and name them, such as picture, symbol or object, and explain what they represent can identify types of data and name them and explain what they represent and why we might use that representation
Demonstrates ways to represent data with guidance, represents data using a picture, symbol or object demonstrates the use of pictures, symbols or objects to represent ideas or actions demonstrates the use of pictures, symbols or objects to represent ideas or actions, discussing the features that make them easily recognisable demonstrates the use of pictures, symbols or objects to represent ideas or actions, discussing the features that make them easily recognisable and justifies their choice

Unit sequence

This topic offers 2 sequential units

Representing ideas and actions

What is this about?

Representing data involves using symbols, visuals or audio to convey information. This can include images, emojis or icons to communicate ideas or observations. For instance, emojis can express emotions, and symbols can depict weather forecasts or observations. Representation is an abstraction of an observation, capturing and expressing information through symbols, visuals or other forms to convey meaning.  For example, the U shape represents a happy person even though it is only an abstract representation of a smile, not even a whole person.

Content description

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software) for a purpose AC9TDIFK01

Represent data as objects, pictures and symbols AC9TDIFK02

This sequence enables students to:

  • explain how an object, picture or symbol stands for an idea or observation
  • draw and display pictures to represent our daily activities
  • compare representations and identify the commonly used features that make them easy to recognise.

Resources to include

Resources to introduce

Resources to develop and consolidate learning

Resources to extend integrate learning

Professional learning

Representing data we collect

What is this about?

Through Digital Technologies and Mathematics (Statistics), students have opportunities to explore different ways that data can be acquired and recorded; for example, using a table to record facts about themselves, using a tablet to take photographs of plants in the local area, or exploring their lunchbox to look for patterns in data.

Content descriptions

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software) for a purpose AC9TDIFK01

Represent data as objects, pictures and symbols AC9TDIFK02

This sequence enables students to:

  • conduct a simple survey to collect responses
  • record the survey responses using tally marks, numbers or pictures
  • represent data as images, symbols or pictures.

Resources to include

Resources to introduce

Resources to develop and consolidate learning

Resources to extend an integrate learning