Select a topic across a two year cycle

Recommended any combination of three topics per year.
Choose a combination of units that suits your students and context.

Cycle one (Year 3)

Jan Jun Dec

Cycle one (Year 4)

Jan Jun Dec


This unit explores peripherals of common digital systems and their function. Students investigate behaviours and protocols to stay safe online. Using a supported and guided approach introduce ways to collaborate and share content.

By the end of Year 4, students securely access and use digital systems and their peripherals for a range of purposes, including transmitting data. They use the core features of common digital tools to plan, create, locate and share content, and to collaborate, following agreed behaviours. Students identify their personal data stored online and recognise the risks.

  • explain that a digital system is made up of several parts that have a particular purpose
  • identify peripherals
  • identify and classify inputs and outputs
  • describe the purpose of peripherals
  • describe personal information that should be kept private online
  • describe and follow behaviours and protocols to ensure they are safe online
  • collaborate and share content following agreed behaviours.


Watch this video for a quick overview of the unit and how to use its resources with your students.

Achievement standard

Digital Technologies: years 3–4

By the end of Year 4, students securely access and use digital systems and their peripherals for a range of purposes, including transmitting data. They use the core features of common digital tools to plan, create, locate and share content, and to collaborate, following agreed behaviours. Students identify their personal data stored online and recognise the risks.

Assessment tasks

Use this sample assessment task, Safety first when online , to assess students’ knowledge, skills and processes related to online safety, privacy and security.

Use these rubrics to assess students’ proficiency in:

  • knowledge and use of digital systems: peripherals
  • digital citizenship and online safety
  • sharing content and collaborating online.

Rubric: Digital systems: peripherals

1 (limited) 2 (basic) 3 (proficient) 4 (advanced)
Knowledge and use of digital systems: peripherals with guidance, identifies parts of a digital system identifies parts of a digital system and uses a suggested digital system with some guidance identifies and describes parts of a digital system and their purpose, demonstrating appropriate use of peripherals including input and output selects a digital system based on their needs, justifies their choice of digital system, and identifies how the peripherals are used and how data is transmitted; compares and contrasts the use of peripherals to do a similar job such as a wired and wireless mouse

Rubric: Digital citizenship and online safety

1 (limited) 2 (basic) 3 (proficient) 4 (advanced)
Digital citizenship and online safety with guidance, identifies appropriate and potentially unsafe online behaviour identifies appropriate and potentially unsafe online behaviour, and follows a set of rules or instructions that will minimise the risk posed by unsafe online behaviours contributes to a co-created set of rules to stay safe online and minimise the risk posed by unsafe behaviours; identifies what information is personal and should not be shared online; applies their understanding of appropriate online behaviour to a variety of situations, such as fictional cyberbullying scenarios, to determine an appropriate course of action identifies and encourages others to follow class rules to stay safe online; describes ways to be responsible while online and identifies what information is personal and should not be shared online and gives reasons why this is important, identifying the risks; evaluates the appropriateness of their behaviour and conduct online

Rubric: Sharing content and collaborating online

1 (limited) 2 (basic) 3 (proficient) 4 (advanced)
Sharing content and collaborating online with help, shares content in a safe online environment; with some guidance shows limited awareness of version control and monitoring shares content in a safe online environment and follows class rules; shows responsibility as a digital citizen; shows awareness of version control and with guidance may use it effectively shares content safely online, collaborates as a team, and contributes effectively; contributes to co-created content following agreed class rules; shows understanding and effective use of version control for collaborative projects shares content safely online, collaborates effectively, and contributes significantly; consistently follows class rules to be a responsible digital citizen; uses version control effectively, showing a high level of awareness and responsibility

Unit sequence

This topic offers 3 sequential units

Digital systems and peripherals

What is this about?

A desktop computer is an example of a digital system. A peripheral is typically external to a desktop computer and connected either via a wireless network or a cable. A digital system, such as a tablet, often has internal hardware components such as a camera, microphone and keyboard; however, on other digital systems these components might be considered peripherals because they need to be added to the digital system. Students may use tablets that perform multiple tasks such as recording video via internal camera and microphone, images with camera and entering text using a screen keyboard. Laptops may also have an in-built camera.

Content description

Explore and describe a range of digital systems and their peripherals for a variety of purposes AC9TDI4K01

Explore transmitting different types of data between digital systems AC9TDI4K02

Identify what personal data is stored and shared in their online accounts and discuss any associated risks AC9TDI4P09

This sequence enables students to:

  • recognise that a digital device is made up of several parts
  • identify peripherals
  • identify input and output devices
  • describe the purpose of peripherals.

Resources to include

Resources to introduce

Resources to develop and consolidate learning

Resources to extend and integrate learning

Further reading and professional learning

Using digital systems safely

What is this about?

Technologies are an embedded part of our lives, and it is essential that students understand how to engage responsibly in online spaces. Using the school's (Digital Literacies/ICT) agreement as a focus, develop an agreed set of rules and discuss protocols for digital technologies use. It is important students understand what it means to behave safely online and have an opportunity to explore this in more detail. Discuss the use of personal information or images when communicating online. Empower students with the knowledge of how to act responsibly online and equip them with the tools to know how to deal with cyberbullying behaviour. Use a collaborative online project to apply protocols and manage a task.

Content descriptions

Explore and describe a range of digital systems and their peripherals for a variety of purposes AC9TDI4K01

Explore transmitting different types of data between digital systems AC9TDI4K02

Identify what personal data is stored and shared in their online accounts and discuss any associated risks AC9TDI4P09

This sequence enables students to:

  • describe the types of content available on the internet
  • describe potential dangers while using the internet
  • describe personal information that should be kept private and not shared online
  • describe behaviours and protocols to ensure their safety online.

Resources to include

Resources to introduce

Resources to develop and consolidate learning

Resources to apply and extend learning

Further reading and professional learning

Collaborate and share content

What is this about?

Introduce ways to collaborate and share content using a supported and guided approach. Choose a focus to collaborate such as brainstorming ideas on a class topic, completing an online quiz in real time or creating a presentation collaboratively. When students collaborate as a team they will require a shared space such as a place for an online document to enable group members to contribute and have access to the most up-to-date version. Depending on your school, common platforms that enable online collaboration include Google Workspace for Education, Microsoft 365 or Apple products such as Keynote. As students use these types of platforms, they follow agreed protocols related to digital etiquette, privacy and safety.

Content descriptions

Use the core features of common digital tools to create, locate and communicate content, following agreed conventions AC9TDI4P06

Use the core features of common digital tools to share content, plan tasks, and collaborate, following agreed behaviours, supported by trusted adults AC9TDI4P07

Access their school account using a memorised password and explain why it should be easy to remember, but hard for others to guess AC9TDI4P08

This sequence enables students to:

  • describe safe ways to share content in a trusted space
  • describe potential dangers while using the internet
  • describe personal information that should be kept private and not shared online
  • describe behaviours and protocols to ensure effective work practices while sharing content online and their safety.

Resources to include

Resources to introduce

Resources to develop and consolidate learning

Resources to apply and extend learning