Select a topic across a two year cycle

Recommended any combination of three topics per year.
Choose a combination of units that suits your students and context.

Cycle one (Year 5)

Jan Jun Dec

Cycle two (Year 6)

Jan Jun Dec


This unit explores binary numbers through pixel-based image creation to help students understand the purpose and functionality of binary. It also covers data types as we explore how information is represented internally in digital systems and the operations that can be performed on it.

Students process data and show how digital systems represent data. They design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables.

  • describe ways that digital systems use numerical representations for data including binary digits
  • apply algorithmic thinking to encode images and investigate patterns
  • use a spreadsheet to automate processes such as representing cells in colour using whole numbers or binary
  • identify and describe data types
  • implement programs using visual programming that use data types
  • demonstrate that the choice of data type influences the operations that can be performed.


Watch this video for a quick overview of the unit and how to use its resources with your students.

Achievement standards

Digital Technologies: Years 5-6

By the end of Year 6, students process data and show how digital systems represent data. They design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables.

Assessment tasks

Binary representation: symbols Binary Images –

Binary representation: pixels Pixels and binary digits


Use these two rubrics to assess student skills, processes and knowledge.


Data representation using binary numbers and whole numbers

This rubric provides benchmarks for assessing different levels of:

  • representing data using ones and zeros (binary)
  • encoding and decoding using binary
  • creativity and proficiency in using whole numbers to create pixel art.

Data types and operations

This rubric provides benchmarks for assessing different levels of complexity and proficiency in:

  • levels of understanding of data types, specifically focusing on strings and numbers
  • identifying data types and control structures, as well as understanding the role of variables in programming
  • applying and using data types in programming tasks, particularly focusing on string and number data types
  • using control structures, variables and user input in programming tasks, with emphasis on the progression from basic sequences to more advanced programs with complex branching, iteration and the use of variables.

Rubric: Data representation using binary numbers and whole numbers

1 (limited) 2 (basic) 3 (proficient) 4 (advanced)
Knowledge of binary number system has a limited understanding of representing data using ones and zeros shows understanding of ones and zeros relating to scenarios that use on/off, such as switches shows understanding of using ones and zeros to represent data and provides relevant examples to assist in their explanation demonstrates understanding of using ones and zeros to represent data and provides relevant examples to assist in their explanation, and can explain how binary numbers are used in computer systems
Encoding and decoding using binary decodes a series of steps that includes binary to create an image, but there are noticeable errors in the resulting image demonstrates the ability to encode and decode step-by-step instructions (algorithm) that include binary to create an image with minimal errors or no errors consistently encodes and decodes an algorithm that includes binary to create an image with no errors, and describes patterns in the algorithm that repeat consistently encodes and decodes instructions that include binary to create an image, and includes ways to more effectively perform the task for example using algorithms with iteration (repeat steps)
Creative use of whole numbers to represent data as pixel art creates an image of pixel art by manually colouring a printed grid using whole numbers to represent colours creates an image of pixel art by representing colours with numbers and manually colouring each individual cell in a digital grid creates an image of pixel art using a spreadsheet, where colours are represented by numbers, and uses features such as copy and paste to colour each individual cell creates an image of pixel art using a spreadsheet representing colours by numbers using conditional formatting, a form of branching to automate the colouring of each individual cell; incorporates representation of data using whole numbers in programming tasks involving complex branching, iteration and variables

Rubric: Data types and operations

1 (limited) 2 (basic) 3 (proficient) 4 (advanced)
Knowledge of data types (strings and numbers) has a limited understanding of different data types shows understanding of either strings or numbers as data types shows understanding of strings and numbers as data types and provides relevant examples to support understanding explains that the data type used to represent data determines the operations that can be performed on that data; provides relevant examples to illustrate how different data types enable specific operations
Identification of data types: Identifies control structures (sequence, branching and iteration), variables and input misidentifies data types in given examples, and is not able to interpret the sequence of steps accurately identifies most data types in provided examples; interprets the sequence of steps and identifies user input, branching or iteration consistently identifies data types correctly in various examples; interprets the sequence of steps and identifies user input, branching and iteration demonstrates a high level of accuracy in identifying data types; interprets the sequence of steps and identifies user input, branching and iteration; explains ways a variable serves as a 'container' to hold and manipulate different data types within a program
Applying and using data types in programming tasks uses a simple string in a programming task but shows limited understanding of its usage applies basic use of string and number data types in programming tasks, however, may seek guidance in determining when to use string concatenation (joining strings) versus using operators for number data types applies the use of string and number data types in programming tasks and displays an understanding of when and how to apply them appropriately; differentiates between joining strings (concatenation) and using operators for number data types effectively consistently applies a wide range of data types skilfully in programming tasks, demonstrating an advanced understanding of their usage and benefits; effectively chooses and implements the appropriate data types for specific programming scenarios, including strings and numbers
Using control structures (sequence, branching and iteration), variables and input in programming tasks creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps to perform a basic task creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes a decision (branching) to provide the user with a choice creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps) creates a program with multiple user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps); includes the use of variables to hold and manipulate different data types within a program

Unit sequence

This topic offers 3 sequential units

Data representation using binary

What is this about?

Digital systems, like computers, represent information using binary digits, ones and zeros. The term ‘binary’ refers to the use of only two values such as two digits or two states: on/off. Computer screens display images as grids of pixels, which are tiny, coloured squares. Exploring binary numbers through pixel-based image creation helps students understand the purpose and functionality of binary. With a single binary digit (one bit ), we can only represent two values. So, using one bit to represent a pixel's colour means each pixel can only have one of two possible colours. There are efficient ways of encoding an image in binary, such as run-length encoding.

Content description

Explore how data can be represented by off and on states (zeros and ones in binary) AC9TDI6K04


This sequence enables students to:

  • use one bit to represent the colour of a single pixel
  • encode and decode an image using ones and zeros
  • use a spreadsheet to automate a process to encode cells in a grid to create an image
  • apply knowledge of binary to other contexts, for example, on/off switches.

Resources to include

Resources to introduce

Resources to develop and consolidate learning

Resources to extend and integrate learning

Creativity with automated pixel art

What is this about?

Pixel art is a digital art form that uses small, distinct pixels arranged in a grid-like pattern to create images. Each pixel can be assigned 1 bit to represent an image in binary, for example, in black and white in binary with black = 0 and white = 1. As an extension, students can explore greyscale that uses 2 bits to represent an image allowing for four colour values. 

Algorithms can be used to generate patterns by repeating specific instructions involving binary. For example, use iteration to repeat a set of instructions that turn pixels on or off in a specific pattern. 

A spreadsheet can be used to automate design of pixel art. As an alternative, instead of using binary, students could use whole numbers to represent colours in their spreadsheet, for example, red = 1, blue = 2, yellow = 3.

Content descriptions

Explore how data can be represented by off and on states (zeros and ones in binary) AC9TDI6K04

Explain how digital systems represent all data using numbers AC9TDI6K03

Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration AC9TDI6P02

Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input AC9TDI6P05

This sequence enables students to:

  • use 1 bit to represent the colour of a single pixel
  • encode an image using binary or whole numbers
  • create pixel art using conditional formatting in a spreadsheet
  • generate visual patterns by repeating specific instructions using ones and zeros.

Resources to include

Resources to introduce

Resources to develop and consolidate learning

Resources to apply and extend learning

Data types and operations

What is it about?

In digital systems, data types define how information is represented internally and the operations that can be performed on it. Numbers are a data type. We can use operators such as (+) for addition, (-) for subtraction, (*) for multiplication and (/) for division.

A string is another common data type used to represent a sequence of characters that can contain letters, numbers, symbols and spaces. Strings can be joined together (concatenation), merging them into a single string. Programming can be used to illustrate the concepts of data representation and the impact of data types on operations.

Content description

Explain how digital systems represent all data using numbers AC9TDI6K03

Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration AC9TDI6P02

Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input AC9TDI6P05

This sequence enables students to:

  • identify data types for example numbers and strings
  • explain the types of operations performed on data types
  • create computer programs that perform simple operations on data types.

Resources to include

Resources to introduce

Resources to develop and consolidate learning

Resources to apply and extend learning

Further reading and professional learning