Encouraging Healthy Technology Use in Young People

What is the impact of technology on young people's brains, and what can parents do to encourage healthy technology use? Greg Gebhart, Senior Education Trainer at the Office of the eSafety Commissioner discusses current trends in young people's tech use.

Additional details

Year band(s) 5-6, 7-8, 9-10
Content type Educational video, Professional learning
Format Video
Core and overarching concepts Privacy and security
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Select and use appropriate digital tools effectively to share content online, plan tasks and collaborate on projects, demonstrating agreed behaviours


Select and use a range of digital tools efficiently, including unfamiliar features, to create, locate and communicate content, consistently applying common conventions


Use simple project management tools to plan and manage individual and collaborative agile projects, accounting for risks and responsibilities

Keywords Mental health, eSafety, Technology use, Impact, Greg Gebhart, Webpage
Integrated, cross-curriculum, special needs Digital Literacy

Health Ed


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