Hexadecimal and character sets
Use this guide to understand how text and numbers can be encoded in a computer as patterns of binary digits. Find out about hexadecimal which is a shortcut for representing binary. The guide explains that ASCII and Unicode are important character sets that are used as standard.
Additional details
Year band(s) | 5-6, 7-8 |
Content type | Student challenges |
Format | Web page |
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s) |
Explain how digital systems represent all data using numbers
Explore how data can be represented by off and on states (zeros and ones in binary)
Investigate how digital systems represent text, image and audio data using integers
Explain how and why digital systems represent integers in binary |
Keywords | Binary, Hexadecimal, Data representation, Character sets, ASCII, Unicode |
Organisation | BBC |
Copyright | 2016 BBC. Free-for-education material. |
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