Off to the movies

Create a simple program using a text-based programming language to generate an output based on two possible input options. This is a simple Boolean (true/false) application where its asks the user’s age - if you are over 15 then you can watch G and M rated movies - if you are under 15, then you can only watch G rated movies. This lesson was designed in collaboration with Jason Vearing QSITE (Gold Coast Chapter).

Additional details

Year band(s) 7-8
Content type Lesson ideas
Format Web page
Core and overarching concepts Specification (decomposing problems), Algorithms, Implementation (programming)
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Design the user experience of a digital system


Design algorithms involving nested control structures and represent them using flowcharts and pseudocode


Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria, user stories and possible future impact

Technologies & Programming Language​s JavaScript JS
Keywords AlgorithmsCode, Branching, User input, JavaScript, Text based programming, General purpose programming, Code, Code editor, W3Schools, Functions, Variables, String



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