The Internet of Things for Banking, Energy and Utilities, and Insurance

The video uses an example character and tracks her interactions with technology through her day, including restaurant booking, online purchases, appliance monitoring and exercise tracking.
As the video examines the interactions it also explains how businesses can track these interactions and make use of the data she is creating, raising questions of privacy, data ownership and customer benefits.

Additional details

Year band(s) 9-10
Content type Educational video
Format Video
Core and overarching concepts Digital systems, Privacy and security
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Apply the Australian Privacy Principles to critique and manage the digital footprint that existing systems and student solutions collect

Keywords Internet, Data sharing, Analytics, Privacy, Internet enabled devices, Big data, Cyber security
Integrated, cross-curriculum, special needs Digital Literacy

IBM WebSphere


IBM Corporation 2014. May be subject to Copyright Act statutory licence.