Years 5–6: Representing data in digital systems

This scope and sequence unit explores binary numbers through pixel-based image creation to help students understand the purpose and functionality of binary. It also covers data types as we explore how information is represented internally in digital systems and the operations that can be performed on it.

Additional details

Year band(s) 5-6
Content type Scope and sequence, Whole School
Format Web page
Core and overarching concepts Data representation
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Explain how digital systems represent all data using numbers


Explore how data can be represented by off and on states (zeros and ones in binary)


Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration


Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input

Keywords scope and sequence, scope, sequence
Integrated, cross-curriculum, special needs Mathematics, The Arts, Numeracy, Digital Literacy, Critical and creative thinking



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