Fairytale fun

About this lesson
Use the slide sorter function to arrange a set of presentation slides in correct sequence to retell a fairytale.
Year band: 1-2
Achievement StandardAchievement Standard
Achievement Standard
Design solutions to simple problems using a sequence of steps and decisions.
By the end of Year 2 students describe the purpose of familiar products, services and environments, including digital systems. They represent and process data in different ways and follow and describe basic algorithms involving a sequence of steps and branching to show how simple digital solutions meet a need for known users.
Students access and use the basic features of common digital tools to create, locate and share content, and collaborate and communicate design ideas using models and drawings.
Learning sequence
This task can be used for formative assessment purposes or as a summative assessment task to assess what students have learned as a result of exploring algorithms to create a sequence of steps to retell a narrative.
Provide students with printed pictures, a jumbled slide presentation containing images/text of the fairytale or ask students to create their own images or drawings.
Formative assessment
Ask the student to retell the story using their images placed in the correct sequence.
- Are there enough images to tell the story? Could you add any other images?
- Are some images more important than the others?
- Why is the order of the images important?
- How can you work out if the order is correct?
Summative assessment
- Are the images in the correct order? Has text been added to help retell the story?
- Is the story retold accurately?
- Were there any errors that needed fixing?
Use the assessment checklist provided to record comments for each student.
Relevant Revised Blooms taxonomy
The key active verbs used in the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies have been aligned to Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.
In this task students explain and represent. The related Revised Blooms taxonomy are:
- (design): Plan and evaluate the construction of a product or process (ACARA).
Assessment Checklist
This assessment checklist provides a guide to record the student’s demonstrated skills and knowledge.
Word and pdf versions of the checklist can be dowloaded in the resources section.
Demonstrated knowledge/skills | Yes/No or progressing | Comments |
The student presents an algorithm design (words/pictures/symbols).
The solution includes a sequence of steps.
The solution includes a decision.
Managing and operating ICT.
The student can: The student can next work on: |
- Slide Sorter Activity
- Slide sorter assessment checklist (PDF version)
- Slide sorter assessment checklist (Word version)